
The 10 funniest Megamind memes

Remember Megamind? That Dreamworks movie from 2010 that was almost as popular as Shrek and promised us a TV series that’s since been put on the back-burner? Well, if you were around to see Megamind‘s theatrical release or even heard the buzz about it in the last decade, you’ll know that — like Shrek — it was subjected to a lot of meme generating. Like… a lot. It remains one of Dreamworks’ best, along with How To Train Your Dragon, which came out the same year. Maybe it was the ensemble cast of Will Ferrell, Jonah Hill, Brad Pitt and Tina Fey that made Megamind so successful, coupled with the gorgeous animation of that time.

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Nowadays, no content — not movies, TV shows, video games or the like — is safe from the internet’s meme generators. And Megamind is no exception, especially not as an animated property, which seems to be one of the most popular mediums for meme material. Whether you’re a massive Dreamworks fan or in the mood to laugh, we’ve compiled some of the funniest Megamind memes out there, even though the list is insanely long.

1. Nice try, Dad

Perhaps one of the funniest scenes in the whole of Megamind is the portion of the movie where Megamind captures Roxanne and uses her as bait to lure out Metro Man and defeat his archenemy for good. In an effort to intimidate Roxanne, Megamind begins to activate countless torture devices, even using a tarantula to scare her, but nothing works. In fact, Roxanne laughs in his face, which makes him question if he’s fit to be a supervillain at all. If you can relate to being grounded as a child and thoroughly enjoying it because, honestly, it was no different than your everyday routine, you’ll relate to Megamind in this instance.

2. Know your place, brethren

Drink-driving is certainly a sensitive topic for some, but there’s another side to the internet that uses alcohol, drunken stupors or any other related experiences to make memes. Even an innocent children’s movie like Megamind isn’t safe from adult-only memes, such as relating Megamind and Minion’s relationship to that of two brothers who are bickering over who should drive home after a night out. Taken out of context, the moment could honestly be used for a number of circumstances, but this one takes the cake.

3. Worst. Feeling. Ever.

If you’ve ever been having a nightmare that involves falling, you’re not alone. It’s a strong possibility that we’re living the same life, since a lot of people report to have experienced falling in their dreams, which often jerks them from their slumber and can be quite unsettling. In the above meme, we see baby Megamind staring blankly upwards, which definitely sums up how it feels to wake up from that particular dream and take a moment to recollect your thoughts after the fact. It really feels like a near-death experience.

4. I’m reformed, I swear!

Whether you were an absolute model student, the class clown or a handful, every child went to ‘time-out’ at one point or another, right? If you’re talking too loud, time-out. Laughing too hard a joke your friend told? Time-out. We’re convinced that teachers just loved to use that punishment wherever possible, but wasn’t it excruciating for the poor victim? It’s so boring to be sat in one spot for longer than five minutes at a time, but it was enough torture for children to convince their teachers that they’d seen the errors of their ways and changed for the better — only to inevitably go back to time-out again.

5. Uhhh… oops?

There’s no escaping the side of the internet that indulges in dark humor. You’d think that Megamind would be safe from some such memes, but no. The movie’s biggest ‘WTF’ moment came when Megamind and Roxanne visit Metro Man’s penthouse to reminisce on his life after his supposed death, only to find Metro Man alive and well after he’d gone into hiding following the uprising of Titan, a new ‘superhero.’ Metro Man walks around the corner and comes face-to-face with his archenemy and his damsel in distress, and his expression is priceless. That moment has become a popular meme for almost any scenario, even unplugging a life support machine to plug in a Nintendo DS.

6. I’m overstimulated, time to go!

Almost every human being on the planet — at one time or another — has felt overstimulated. It might be on a busy highway after a bad day at work, shopping for groceries in a crowded store, or getting packed like sardines into a nightclub. It happens to the best of us. Another scenario where one might feel overstimulated is on a bus, where a lot of commuters can be quite rude and self-centered on their travels. There’s just far too much going on during a bus ride, and Megamind knows how it feels to be overstimulated after integrating himself back into society following his villain-turned-hero transition.

7. A true travesty

Originating from the “No b*tches?” meme (which we’ll get to later), the close-up of ‘sad’ Megamind (looking through a peephole) got turned into several memes that communicate the disappointment one feels after being deprived of a certain something, for example, no snacks in the fridge, no beer, no free time to play video games, etc. It’s one of those moments that you’d never suspect would become a meme, but it’s actually one of the most famous Megamind memes out there. This meme is a little outdated as Fortnite isn’t as massive as it once was, but the age demographic of 10 to 16 will no doubt relate strongly to a lack of V-Bucks.

8. That sounds like labor with extra steps

Ah, more dark humor. Not everyone will find these memes funny, but I’ll shamelessly admit that I do, and I’m sure many others are right there with me. It’s rather cruel to take children who used to slave away in factories and force them to enroll in public school. It’s not much of an improvement, is it? Whether you’re working in a factory or attending school, you’re still a slave to that country’s education laws and forced to do something that you don’t want to do, so where’s the upgrade, exactly? I kid, of course. All in good fun, especially as Titan’s interaction with a random citizen here is comedy gold.

9. Now that’s a tough choice

At one point in time, Minecraft might have been even bigger than Fortnite. The lore surrounding Minecraft is well-known among the fanbase and gamers in general, and everyone knows about how Mojang tricked us into thinking that the gold pickaxe would be a marginal improvement on the iron pickaxe, but guess what? It sucks even worse than the wooden one, so when gamers are in dire need of materials, they’d much rather choose the busted wooden pickaxe after the gold one. That’s a feeling that Megamind knows all too well after getting picked last for sports in school.

10. Sad Megamind

And here it is. Didn’t I say we’d get to it? The ‘Sad Megamind’ meme (which I don’t think is its official title, but it is now) went viral after Megamind released in theaters and has been adapted for all sorts of scenarios, as mentioned above. The snapshot of Megamind’s face couldn’t be more perfect, but it’s the endless array of captions that really make it great. Whoever took this image and added ‘No B*tches?’ knew exactly what they were doing, and they created a wave of memes that are still relevant to this day. It’s a truly wonderful thing when the internet comes together to ruin a childhood movie, isn’t it?


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-08-28